Writing And Presentation 服务

Writing and Presentation 服务

At the Writing Center, 我们的使命是帮助MCCC的所有学生成为更好的作家,为他们提供与导师密切和定期接触的机会, yet critical audience.

我们相信,一个作家可以通过与一个敏感的、反应灵敏的读者交谈来学到很多东西, 在, and after writing and rewriting.

The only way to learn how to write well is by writing and rewriting. 因为我们认为写作是一个复杂的过程,涉及到各种思维技能的递归应用, 作为写作过程的一部分,我们的写作研究员总是努力倾听并与学生进行建设性的对话.

The Writing Center is committed to the following principles:

  • 我们将从学生所在的地方开始,建立并维持一种对个别作者的需求感兴趣的关系.
  • 我们将允许写作者完成工作,我们将抵制成为重写者的诱惑. The Writing Fellow recognizes the need for an immediate, constructive response and will suggest strategies for improvement. 然而,作者完成工作,顾问监督和指导过程. 我们会给写作者时间去找到他或她自己最好的工作方式.
  • We will deal with "high-order" concerns before "low-order" concerns. By high-order concerns we mean such things as thesis or focus, appropriate voice or tone, organization and development of ideas. 低级别的问题包括句子结构、标点符号、用法和拼写. 如果一个学生在作业中需要大量修改和重写拼写和标点符号,那么他或她的时间就没有得到很好的利用. We wish to help each writer improve each piece of writing. 我们愿意接受小的成功,我们会尽量不期望太多. We are not miracle workers; we recognize our limitations. 在许多情况下,我们处理的是学生多年来形成的写作问题. 我们不可能在一两个小时甚至一两个学期内解决所有的写作问题.

写作研究员计划是为了支持MCCC的写作课程而开发的. 这意味着在MCCC,你可能会被要求写作(论文、研究论文、报告等).) in courses that fall under every academic discipline. We encourage all MCCC faculty to use writing as a learning tool. Because of this, we also provide MCCC students, free of charge, 有机会通过写作中心咨询写作研究员——经过训练并有资格评论其他学生写作的成功学生作家.

写作研究员计划的目的是通过训练有素的写作导师(也是MCCC的学生)的反馈来帮助所有MCCC学生提高他们的写作水平.  我们认为各种能力的学生都能从同伴反馈中受益. 即使是专业作家也会寻求并重视同行的评论.


Writing Fellows will not write your paper for you, but they will help you write a paper that does the following:

  • Follows the directions of the assignment
  • Has a clear organization plan
  • Focuses on a main point (thesis statement)
  • Develops main and supporting points with evidence and logic
  • Provides transitions between paragraphs and within paragraphs
  • Uses a formal system of documentation

If writing fellows notice significant errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling, they will let you know, 但只有在彻底讨论了你的工作中需要注意的其他方面之后(见上面的列表)。. If you do not know how to find and correct these errors, writing fellows will help you by showing you editing strategies. 然而,他们不会逐项找到并纠正你所有的错误. That will be your responsibility.

Writing Center tutoring is normally provided by appointment. To make an appointment, 请致电(734)384-4167学生成功中心,学生也可以在网上预约. 

Make an Appointment Online

Email Tutoring

由于新冠肺炎疫情,所有辅导将仅通过预约完成. 请不要将论文发送到2020年秋季之前任何材料上列出的写作中心地址.

Reading Tutoring

Textbook reading assignments can seem overwhelming.  写作中心提供阅读指导,他们可以帮助你学会批判性阅读,并通过将阅读任务分解成可管理的部分来掌握阅读任务.


Reading fellows will:

  • Teach you key questions to ask before reading
  • Help you with summaries and understanding the main idea
  • Work with you on making inferences
  • Show you how to question bias
  • Assist you in learning new study skills with reading
  • 援助 you in annotations and how to mark in the textbook
  • Introduce the SQ3R method and how to utilize it

To make an appointment, call the Student Success Center at (734) 384-4167 或者去坎贝尔学习资源中心218室的写作中心.


Frequently Asked Questions


Use of the Writing Center is free to MCCC students.

Writing fellows at MCCC provide the assistance. 这些是MCCC的学生,因为他们的写作能力和与其他学生合作的意愿而被教师提名. 写作研究员通过严格的训练课程(高级写作),并在研讨会和会议上继续发展他们的技能.

如果你有作业表或作业笔记,把它们带到你的课堂上. Depending on how far along you are in your writing, you might bring notes or ideas, a first draft, an outline or whatever you have completed before your appointment. 写作伙伴将帮助你确定下一步该做什么. 如果你带的是论文草稿,请用打字机打出来,不要用手写. 这将更容易为你和写作同伴从打印副本. We do, however, accept handwritten papers. For more information on what to bring, please go to 文件 section.

No. 然而, 在某些情况下,你的老师可能会要求你和一个写作伙伴一起工作,或者给你额外的学分.

写作伙伴会在写作过程的各个阶段帮助你, from prewriting to final revision. 作者和导师一起工作,开始,批评和/或改进过程中的书面工作. Writing fellows can help with essays, research papers, 演讲, 商业报告和任何其他类型的写作任务. 而写作人员不会以任何方式编辑你的论文,也不会重写或改变你论文中的任何内容, 他们会教你修改和编辑自己作品的策略.

联系 Information

Writing Center


Building / Office IconCampbell Academic Center C-203
Phone Icon 734.384.4167


小时 vary each semester. Please call for hours.